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welcome to VST Venues
your secret source for venues
contact us 01604 21 66 55
welcome to VST Venues
your secret source for venues
contact us 01604 21 66 55
welcome to VST Venues
your secret source for venues
contact us 01604 21 66 55
welcome to VST Venues
your secret source for venues
contact us 01604 21 66 55
welcome to VST Venues
your secret source for venues
contact us 01604 21 66 55
welcome to VST Venues
your secret source for venues
contact us 01604 21 66 55
welcome to VST Venues
your secret source for venues
contact us 01604 21 66 55
welcome to VST Venues
your secret source for venues
contact us 01604 21 66 55

The VST Group may be a small business in the grand scheme of things, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make a substantial difference when it comes to our environmental impact. In fact, as we grow, our commitment to sustainability becomes increasingly important. If you’re a small business that hasn’t delved into the world of sustainability, reducing your carbon footprint might initially seem daunting. However, the silver lining is that when you’re starting your journey to sustainability, numerous quick and easy wins are there for the taking.

Recently, we created a list of 10 environmental goals that we believe we can achieve at VST. These goals vary in scale, from short-term changes to more long-term, transformative initiatives. For transparency, we thought we’d look to share some of the ideas we’ve embraced as an organisation:

Waste Separation:

Make sure your office waste is properly separated and sorted after collection. We discovered that our waste collection supplier has a target of sending only 10% of waste to landfill. Encouraged by this, we’ve ramped up our waste sorting efforts within the business. Recycling bins have been made more accessible and visible, prompting more employees to embrace recycling.

Milk Delivery in Glass Bottles:

We made a simple switch from plastic milk bottles to reusable glass bottles delivered by Milk & More. Not only is glass an eco-friendly option, but the bottles get reused multiple times before being recycled.

Toner/Ink Cartridge Recycling:

Most print companies offer recycling schemes for toner and ink cartridges. By registering with your printer’s recycling scheme, you can ensure these items are disposed of responsibly and contribute to a circular economy.

Reducing Paper Waste:

While we already use digital solutions like Office 365 and cloud accounting, we are actively exploring ways to further reduce paper consumption. Our upcoming blog will detail our innovative approach to minimising the use of note paper and post-its.


These seemingly small changes have quickly gained momentum at VST, fostering an environment where sustainability discussions are part of our everyday culture. Our staff is actively engaged in conversations about reducing our environmental impact, both at work and at home.

The key takeaway from our experience is that small businesses can play a crucial role in environmental conservation. While challenges might appear daunting, the ease with which these initial changes can be implemented should embolden small business owners to take those vital first steps toward a sustainable future.

Stay tuned for our next environmental blog, where we’ll dive into our efforts to reduce paper consumption and explore more innovative ways to lessen our ecological footprint. Small actions, when taken collectively, can have a significant impact. We invite you to join us on this journey towards a greener and more sustainable future.