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welcome to VST Venues
your secret source for venues
contact us 01604 21 66 55
welcome to VST Venues
your secret source for venues
contact us 01604 21 66 55
welcome to VST Venues
your secret source for venues
contact us 01604 21 66 55
welcome to VST Venues
your secret source for venues
contact us 01604 21 66 55
welcome to VST Venues
your secret source for venues
contact us 01604 21 66 55
welcome to VST Venues
your secret source for venues
contact us 01604 21 66 55
welcome to VST Venues
your secret source for venues
contact us 01604 21 66 55
welcome to VST Venues
your secret source for venues
contact us 01604 21 66 55

With December marking the end of another great calendar year, our very own ‘not-so-secret’ Santa, Andrew, helped with the Christmas festivities. We couldn’t resist capturing a snapshot of Andrew’s festive spirit:

Merry Christmas from all at VST

VST would like to wish all of our clients, partners and friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, as we embark on new beginnings and business adventures.